we love our volunteersAs a non-profit organization, the success of South County Youth Soccer Club is dependent on its dedicated Board of Directors and Volunteers.
board of Directors NominationsWe are currently accepting nominations for the following position, which are up for election in January 2025:
If you would like to nominate yourself, or someone you know, or if you would like to learn more about any or the positions, please email us. Board members will be formally re-elected/elected during the Club's Annual General Meeting in January 2025. |
SCYSC Board Of Directors faq1) If I join the SCYSC Board of Directors, what would my responsibilities be? Individual members of the board have different role specific responsibilities. For example:
2) How long do I commit to the role? Each term is 2 years. And if you are enjoying it, you can certainly seek additional terms! At Large roles have a 1-year term. 3) How much time will I spend each month? Being on the board is a commitment. But a rewarding commitment! And it’s not rigid – there is flexibility to make it work for you and your schedule. First, every board member should expect to attend one board meeting per month. Not so bad, right? Depending on your position, you may also participate in a monthly operations meeting. Ad-hoc meetings may come up every now and then, but we try to keep those to a minimum as we know time is a precious commodity in all our busy lives. Next, our board members each have different responsibilities which require different levels of effort with ebbs and flows. A few examples: Ex. 1: The Communications Director might have a few hours to spend on regular communications each month and when there is a big push for new program sign ups more time will be needed. Ex. 2: The Tournament Director may spend a couple of hours each month planning for our annual tournament The Seaside Classic and assisting with entry into other tournaments. In the few months leading up to the Seaside Classic, he/she might need to dedicate more time on preparations and on site that weekend running the event. Ex. 3: The Secretary’s responsibilities may demand a couple of hours each month preparing and sharing out meeting notes. Typically, the time commitment of the Secretary remains steady throughout the year. Lastly, as a board member, lending an extra hand every now and then, such as helping at tryouts or our annual primary fundraising tournament, the Seaside Classic, is always appreciated and helps to ensure successful programs and events. We recommend talking with the current/previous board member to best understand a specific role and time commitment involved. 4) Do I have to be a soccer expert? A soccer background or a general love of the sport is great and will certainly help drive your passion for the role! With that said, depending on the position, it is not always a requirement. 5) Is there a financial contribution required? Nope! We know that your time and skills = money, so this is all we ask of you to help make our Club fun and successful for the kids! Any other contributions you might make are a bonus! 6) What should I do if I’m interested or want to nominate someone else? Please email [email protected]. We will officially nominate new members in January and vote on the nominated positions at our Annual General Meeting in late January 2022. 7) What if I'm not quite ready to volunteer on the board or its not the right fit for me? Are there other ways I can help? Of course - there are lots of ways to support the Club.
what our members have to say
"I can remember my children's first Recreation game with South. It was a beautiful Fall weekend and it seemed like the whole Town was at Tuckertown park that day. There were so many kids on the field having fun. I knew then I wanted to get more involved. As a volunteer coach and member of the board, I have been able to help kids fall in love with the game and have a direct impact on our community. I have absolutely enjoyed my decade+ volunteering with South County Youth Soccer." “There are many roles needed to keep SCYSC going and if there are a lot of volunteers, the work is fulfilling and so much fun. Being able to make decisions to help grow our soccer programs while seeing the kids with smiles on their faces really enjoying the game, developing new friendships, and learning new skills has been very rewarding. Bonus? I myself have also made life-long friendships by being in this role. Not to mention the daily thank yous from so many supportive families which is also wonderful."