The Skills Challenge Pyramid™ - Stage 5
TIER A1. Drag Scissor - Roll the ball across your body. Fake to move in the same direction. Perform a scissors over the moving ball using the same foot that dragged the ball across the body. Accelerate away in the original direction using the ouside of the other foot.
2. Drag to Step Over - Roll the ball across the body using either foot. Step over the ball with the other foot. Push the ball away using the outside of the step over foot. 3. Zidane 360 Spin - Dribble forward and stop the ball with the sole of the foot. Spin 180 degrees and replace the foot that’s on the ball with the other foot. Drag the ball in the original direction with the sole of the foot as you complete a 360 degree spin. 4. Del Piero Move - Fake to strike the ball with your right foot and place the outside of the right foot to the left of the ball.Continue to twist the body to the left so you are now facing the opposite direction. |
TIER B5. Back Heel Push Away - Dribbling forward, back heel the ball with either foot. Immediately push the ball diagonally forward with the inside of the opposite foot. Accelerate away in the original direction.
6. Giggs Move - Step around the front of the ball with either foot. Immediately flick the ball forwards with the trailing foot. Accelerate away using the laces of the foot that stepped over the ball. 7. Roll, Step Over, Stop - Roll ball across front of body with the right foot. Step over in front of the ball with the left foot. Stop the ball with the outside of the right foot behind the left foot. Keeping contact with the ball and accelerate away to the right. |
TIER C8. Roll In Front & Behind - Roll the ball to the side of the body with the outside of the foot. Stop with the inside of the foot. Roll the ball behind the standing foot with the inside of the foot. Stop with the outside of the foot. Roll the ball to the outside and control with the inside of the foot before returning to the starting position.
9. Toe Taps, Stepover, Slide - Tap the ball back and forth using the inside of both feet. Step around the front of the ball with either foot. Roll the ball away to the side using the outside of the foot, turning 45 degrees. Control with the inside of the foot and continue toe tapping. TIER D10. Ronaldinho - Begin to flick the ball with the outside of either foot. Immediately push the ball in the opposite direction with the inside of the same foot. Push away with the outside of the opposite foot